7. Sınıf İngilizce Bilim ve Kültür Yayınları Cevapları Sayfa 54 Resimli Güncel

2022-2023 Güncel “[xyz-ips snippet=”KitapCevaplariBaslik”]” eğitimci kadromuz tarafından sizler için özenle hazırlandı. Soruların doğru cevap anahtarı ve ayrıntılı çözüm işlemleri verilmiştir.

Amacımız sizleri kolaycılığa alıştırmak değil, ödevinizi yaptıktan sonra karşılaştırma yaparak doğrularınızı görme ve yanlışlarınızı gösterip doğru cevabı öğreterek eksiklerinizi gidermektir.

En Doğru Cevaplar: [xyz-ips snippet=”KitapCevaplariBaslik”] (Yeni Müfredat)

Read the extracts and match them with the pictures. 

1) He was born in the town of Vinci, Italy on April 15, 1452. About the age of 14, he began to work as an apprentice to a famous artist, Verrocchio. He learned about art, drawing, painting and more there. He drew pictures and drafts of helicopters, hang gliders, musical instruments and more. He was interested in civil engineering too. He was not only a painter but also an inventor. He died in 1519.

2) She was born in Warsaw in 1867. She went to Paris to study at the Sorbonne University in 1891. She met Pierre Curie, Professor in the School of Physics there, and they got married in the following year. They discovered two new elements for the periodical table. She named one of the elements polonium and the other radium.
In 1911, she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering these elements.

3) He was born in Horosan in 1207. His family moved to Anatolia and settled in Konya because of Mongolian invasion of central Asia. Rumi was a law professor and a brilliant scholar. He composed over 70.000 verses of poetry. He collected them in two volumes. This collection is full of anectod, life lessons and more a stories. He died in 1273 in Konya.

4) She was born in İstanbul in 1882. She was interested in Turkish literary, political and social movements. She visited different cities during the Indepence War and gave speeches to the people. She is one of the greatest Turkish authors. Some of her important books are Ateşten Gömlek, Sinekli Bakkal and Mor Salkımlı Ev.

➜ a) Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi
➜ b) Halide Edip Adıvar
➜ c) Leonardo Da Vinci
➜ d) Marie Curie

[xyz-ips snippet=”KitapCevaplariBaslik”]” uzman ekibimiz tarafından cevaplanmış olsa bile, bazen gözden kaçırdığımız hatalar ve eksikler olabilir. Lütfen yorum yazarak bize bunları bildirin ki en kısa sürede gerekli düzeltmeyi yapalım. İş birliğiniz ve bizi tercih ettiğiniz için teşekkür eder sınavlarınızda başarılar dileriz…
