“Otaku’s Adventure” is an unusual AVG game that follows the story of an Otaku who has been single for a long time and craves love. As he sets off on an unintentional journey, he gradually wins the affections of different girls. The game merges storytelling with an alternative TAKAGISM, featuring an array of mini-games and various types of battles that offer players a unique and enjoyable experience compared to past games.
Key Features:
User-friendly interface: simply click, drag, and drop with the mouse.
Diverse storylines: each girl has her own captivating story, providing players with an infinite amount of enjoyment.
Mysterious TAKAGISM: filled with puzzles, this game is similar to TAKAGISM but with a distinctive twist.
A variety of mini-games: multiple types of mini-games are embedded throughout the game.
Numerous game endings: players can unlock numerous unexpected and fascinating endings as they progress through the game.
- İşletim Sistemi : Windows 7/8/8.1/10 32/64 bit
- İşlemci : Intel Core 2 Duo veya üstü
- Bellek : 2 GB RAM
- Grafikler : Intel HD Graphics 4000 veya üstü
- DirectX : Sürüm 11
- Depolama : 3 GB kullanılabilir alan
- Tür: Macera, Bağımsız Yapımcı, RYO
- Geliştirici: Spacelight Studio
- Platform: bilgisayar
- Oyun Boyutu: 654 MB
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